



Why I Do Not Bill By The HourBanned Wall Clock

Most CPA firms bill clients by the hour. This practice imposes administrative and bureaucratic inefficiencies typical of companies that are too large to be managed effectively. These firms tend to lose direct personal connection with their clients. The final result is an absurdity: Accountants who can’t count what matters most.

Hourly rates result in clock-watching and inhibit clients from communicating with their primary tax and financial advisors. Hourly rates create clerical costs and paperwork which distract accountants from relating directly with their clients. Hourly rates are a mistake.

For these compelling reasons I never bill by the hour. Instead, all of my prices are based on flat fee quotes you can count on. This is consistent with my ideal of promoting long-term mutually beneficial relationships with my clients.



The Clarity and Simplicity of Flat Fee Billing

Some companies are notorious for luring customers in based on quoted low prices. Subsequently, once work has begun, these disreputable businesses pad the bill with “extras.” Beware of this.

When I quote a price you can rely upon it. I derive prices based on the complexity and quantity of work involved based on my 20 years of tax and accounting experience. If I get it wrong I absorb the loss. If circumstances change and you ask me to do new, additional work we will talk and agree on a new price. I believe fair and reasonable prices are the foundation of every successful business.

The point of flat fee billing is to remove risk to the customer. You give me work of fixed complexity and quantity and I evaluate what needs to be done and quote you a fixed fee. It’s that simple.



How Do I Succeed?

Some of my clients are skeptical about how I can succeed and make a living with flat fee billing. The answer is simple: When all knowledge and all decision-making are concentrated in the hands of a single qualified person breakthrough levels of efficiency and effectiveness become achievable. This is why my prices are so reasonable.

I have very low overhead and very low fixed costs. I don’t own a fancy building and I don’t have or need a large staff because I have “right-sized” my business based on the quality of life my wife and I want. Bigger is not always better because having employees creates entirely new challenges and costs for any business. And for these reasons I don’t accept every potential client.




My Standard Flat Fees

Please compare me to other firms. I am highly confident that after you visit the web sites of other accounting firms you will note how they do NOT post their prices. Is this an oversight on their part? I don’t think so and neither should you.

My standard prices are starting points and will be adjusted, as discussed above, based on complexity and special circumstances, if any. You and I will talk in detail as needed prior to agreeing on a fixed price.



Initial Consultation (Up to 1 hour)


Miscellaneous minor questions by phone or email


Simple Form 1040 (standard deduction, 3 or fewer W-2’s, and Efiled)


Complex Form 1040 (Itemized Deductions, 4 or fewer W-2’s, Efiled)


Simple S Corporation Form 1120S


Simple LLC or Partnership Return Form 1065


Simple Trust Tax Return Form 1041


Simple Monthly Bookkeeping with one bank account and up to 50 checks


Non-Profit Form 990-EZ


Non-Profit Form 990


Simple C Corporation Form 1120


Incorporation Services


All tax returns include federal and Maine forms. If you must file in additional states I will discuss with you in advance how this will affect the price.

I can offer these reasonable rates because of my hyper-efficient business processes and intense use of advanced IT resources. As a CPA and an MBA I am not aware of any competitors who can outmatch my combination of expertise, quality and reasonable prices. Because I am always trying to improve my business I ask that if you are aware of a better deal please let me know.



George Adams
Certified Public Accountant Master of Business Administration
Tel: (207) 989-2700 E-Mail:
450 South Main Street: The HQ of IQ
Brewer, Maine 04412-2339

©2015 Copyright George Adams CPA MBA. All Rights Reserved.



03-16-2020 Hits:6659 Services George Adams

    GEORGE ADAMS   Certified Public Accountant      Master of Business Administration450 South Main Street Brewer Maine 04412   Tel: (207) 989-2700Fax: (207) 992-9498   Email: MaineTaxPro@Gmail.comWebsite: IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL CLIENTS MARCH 15,...

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Why Switch Accountants

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Why Switch Accountants

WHY SWITCH ACCOUNTANTS? You Have Nothing To Lose: • Free Initial Consultation • Free Review Of Prior Year Tax Returns • No Obligation Of Any Kind You Have Everything...

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Saving Money With S Corporations

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Saving Money With S Corporations

Smart = S Corporation = $ In GeneralS Corporations are an under-used opportunity available to most small Maine family businesses as a way to gain control over taxes. I...

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Business Consulting

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Business Consulting

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Code Of Ethics

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Code Of Ethics

These are the equitable principles which govern my business: I will help every client pay the legal minimum tax, and not one cent more.

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Proof of Intelligence

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Proof of Intelligence

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Asset Protection and Anonymity Services

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Asset Protection and Anonymity Services

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There Is No Such Thing as a Non-ProfitI’ve always been amused by the term “non-profit.” In accounting and tax terms it refers to an organization the primary purpose of...

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Business Appraisals

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Business Appraisals

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Business and Personal Tax Preparation Services

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Business and Personal Tax Preparation Services

Forewarned Is ForearmedMost people think tax returns are just about taxes. This is wrong. In fact there are two very important numbers in every tax return. The first is obvious...

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Audits, Reviews, Compilations and Fraud/Theft Detection

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Audits, Reviews, Compilations and Fraud/Theft Detection

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How Can You Help Yourself

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How Can You Help Yourself

It is a mistake to believe a CPA can do your thinking for you. In the context of your business, you are irreplaceable. You as a decision maker, owner,...

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Current Service Fees

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Current Service Fees

Why I Do Not Bill By The Hour Most CPA firms bill clients by the hour. This practice imposes administrative and bureaucratic inefficiencies typical of companies that are too...

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How I Can Help You

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How I Can Help You

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The Importance of Being RightBookkeeping is the bread and butter of accounting. Taxes deal with the totality of your accounting system on one day of the year

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Contact Me


Telephone: (207) 989-2700
Email -
Address: 450 South Main Street: The HQ of IQ
               Brewer Maine 04412-2339

Maine Society of Certified Public Accountants
Certified QuickBooks Professional Advisor
Bangor Region Chamber of Commerce
Beta Gamma Sigma and Phi Kappa Phi
National Association of Independent Writers and Editors
New England Peer Review


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